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Bahamian Passenger Levy

Bahamian Passenger Levy applies to commercial and noncommercial flights to and from the Bahamas. The Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas (CAA-B) implemented this levy on 1 March 2021 to help with the cost of providing regulatory oversight, which smoothens the progress of a broader aviation safety objective.


Who Must Pay the Passenger Levy?

Aircraft operators with domestic or international flights with passengers to and from the Bahamas are subject to the Passenger Levy.

Several exemptions apply. For instance, CAA-B exempts aircraft performing an emergency landing at an airport other than its intended destination, search and rescue operations, or emergency medical service flights. Privately-operated aircraft with a single-piston engine are also exempt.


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How Much is the Passenger Levy?

Currently, Passenger levy is 1 USD per passenger. It’s important to note that for a domestic flight, each passenger is taxed only once.


What Are the Obligations?

Aircraft operators with flights to and from the Bahamas must:

    • Submit the monthly passenger count using the template set out by CAA-B on or before the 5th business day of the following month. Operators will then receive an invoice showing the fee calculated by the competent authority.
    • Pay the Passenger Levy within 15 days from the date of the invoice via the CAA-B website, direct deposit, or wire transfer.



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